Alex Pesjak
Brand-led [Circular] Platform Ecosystem Enabler
Enabling commitment and acceleration towards Frontier Futures
Frontier|Ops TM
Challenge: All firms aspire to be “Frontier Firms”As the frontier shifts towards circular platform ecosystems, companies and consortia need advisory and tech solutions.“The Frontier|OpsTM Hub” has the mission to enable “next gen frontier firms” while developing capacity inside - frontier by frontier.1. Identify emerging frontiers
2. Build credibility and relationships in these spaces
3. Create and activate force multipliers
4. Target high-potential, strategic frontier customers
5. Empower teams to win and expand customers as well as to provide perspective to frontier technologies and business model solutions
You as leaders however look for holistic perspectives for becoming a 21st Century Company!
#Keynotes | #Webtalks- Purpose | Ambition in Ecosystems
- Strategic Destination for Platforms- - Brand Architecture for Ecosystems
- Alignment and co-creation in Ecosystems
- Ecosystem Innovation Platform
- Circularity Platforms
Platform Ecosystem Readiness Camps
You cannot lead towards something you cannot imagine or better understand. Peter C. Evans (co-chair of MIT Platform Summit) and I guide your enlarged leadership teams in a customized process.
Ecosystem Innovation Discovery Camps
You are engaged in #startups, #venturebuilding, #innovation, but your management tools and approach towards innovation do not produce the results. Join Andrea Kates (#SiliconValley Expert) and I with your enlarged leadership team to understand and co-design ecosystem innovation and commit to making it happen subsequently.
#Ecosystem Espresso - Weekly Newsletter
Un Espresso per favore!It is Friday and I am glad you take a sip of Ecosystem inspiration.How to become a 21st Century Ecosystem Company and Leader. Simple frameworks | Great Resources | Inspiring Role Models.Follow me on LinkedIN !
AND Subscribe to the LinkedIN NewsletterJust push the link "Subscribe on LinkedIn" below
About Me
I have 20 years of international leadership experience in global companies: Coca-Cola, Kraft Foods (now MDLZ).In the last 13 years I built my muscle in comprehensive Digital Transformation and Innovation consulting projects.In my role as VP EMEA in McFadyen Digital - one of the leading platform strategy and implementation experts worldwide - I focus on Circularity Platforms and Ecosystems as they will be the only compatible form of collaboration in a fully networked world.I actively contribute to the leading Global Communities in platform, ecosystem and innovation.I love Speaker assignments that allow me to share the red thread view of this new world!I live in the mountains of the Tyrol and mainly operate in Europe. I use Munich as my go to market hub, which is only 2 hours away.
Strong WHAT
Proven tools and proprietary frameworks that are easy to use, memorize and communicate are the foundation of solid strategy and implementation. Unique 1 pagers to empower large ecosystems.
Unique HOW
Buying technology is necessary but not a sufficient condition. Large projects fail because of lack of alignment, commitment and ownership. Processes need to be made for people and not for machines.
ImpressumInformationen und Offenlegung gemäß §5 (1) ECG, § 25 MedienG, § 63 GewO und § 14 UGBWebseitenbetreiber: Alex PesjakAnschrift: Stanz 177, 6500 Stanz bei LandeckUID-Nr: ATU71958713Gewerbeaufsichtbehörde: BH Landeck
Mitgliedschaften: Wirtschaftskammer TirolKontaktdaten:
Telefon: +436763241223
Email: Alex.Pesjak@ANDfutureproof.comAnwendbare Rechtsvorschrift:
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